Updates Regarding COVID-19 and Parish Events
St. Ann Church & St. Vincent de Paul Mission
Sacraments: The weekly Mass & Confession schedule has resumed. All inquiries for baptisms, weddings, or other sacramental/liturgical needs are asked to contact Fr. Brent.
Office Hours: The parish office is operating during normal business hours but with the doors locked to limit foot traffic. Parishioners are asked to call the parish office (8:30-12:30 M-TH) at 694-3781 or Fr. Brent’s cell outside of business hours for urgent need.
Church Opening: St. Ann is still open from 6am until 6pm each day for parishioners to stop in and pray. St. Vincent will remain accessible by passcode on the chapel door - parishioners can call the parish office to get the code.
ACTS of Pointe Coupee Men’s Retreat scheduled for March 19-22: we have a tentative date to hold the retreat once more and are currently working with the retreat facility and ACTS Core Team to determine if it will be possible to proceed at that time as planned. Further information will be forthcoming and all retreatants will be contacted at that time.
First Holy Communion: The retreat days for First Holy Communion preparation have been rescheduled to June 27 and July 18 from 9am-12noon in the religious education building. The Mass for First Holy Communion will be Sunday, July 19 at 8am at St. Ann Church.
Confirmation: the Mass for Confirmation will be celebrated by Bishop Duca on Monday, June 29 at 6pm at St. Ann Church. All parishioners are invited to attend and welcome Bishop Duca to Morganza.
Any questions can be directed to Fr. Brent via email.